Ramble On

left to right: Clinton McDougall, Tania Willard
Ramble On is an exhibition of artworks from UBC Okanagan Gallery’s Public Art Collection, a rambling tour, which introduces some of our newest acquisitions including works by Judith Schwarz, Sheldon Louis, Tania Willard and Neil Cadger. The exhibition also included works by Clinton McDougall, Moozhan Ahmadzadegan, Ida Shōichi, David Wilson, and Takesada Matsutani.
Ramble On
January 13 to March 9, 2022, Vernon Public Art Gallery
The exhibition was inspired by UBC Okanagan alumnus Clinton McDougall’s wooden sculpture of a car tire entitled Reinvention (2005). The tread on the tire forms a pattern based on the utilitarian principle of adding grip or traction to move forward. The idea of using patterns, repetition or grids to gain traction or derive meaning is a universal principle. From the longitude and latitude of cartography, to charting information in graphs, to ideas of the matrix (with or without Keanu) – there is something about hypnotic repetition and persuasive grids that artists utilize to communicate complex ideas with clarity, impact and irreverence.
The exhibition catalog highlights the work of the nine artist in the exhibition.

left to right: Judith Shwarz, Sheldon Pierre Louis, Moozhan Ahmadzadegan, Ida Shōichi

left to right: Moozhan Ahmadzadegan, Ida Shōichi, David Wilson, Takesada Matsutani

left to right: Sheldon Pierre Louis, Moozhan Ahmadzadegan, Ida Shōichi

left to right: Judith Shwarz, Sheldon Pierre Louis, Moozhan Ahmadzadegan

David Wilson

Takesada Matsutani

Judith Shwarz

Neil Cadger, the Collective Body